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Invasive Species --
A New Brunswick 


Eurasian water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) is present in the Madawaska River and throughout the Saint John River.

This submersed aquatic plant creates dense mats that interfere with recreational activity. It out-competes native plants which negatively impacts our fish and wildlife. This invasive plant can spread when fragments cling to boats, motors and trailers and are moved to new areas. Please do not pass through mats of vegetation and follow the guidelines below when moving from one waterbody to another.


(Note: Some water-milfoils are native to New Brunswick.)


Photo taken at the Meductic Boat Launch June 2022


Eurasian Water - Milfoil

Facts. ... this is so thick boats can not pass and swimming is impossible.

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Being proactive is Clean Drain Dry either before entering a body of water... or after. 

Mission Statement

An association of action, SLCOA Inc mission is to protect Skiff Lake's water quality by promoting Healthy Lake initiatives that protect the Lake’s water now, and for future legacies while also  ensuring safety so all may enjoy.

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Skiff Lake 

New Brunswick



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